Tuesday 15 December 2020

Insect Art | SLJ

Today for the Summer Learning Journey did an activity called insect art. I chose to do a butterfly. 

I used leafs, sticks, and flowers to create my butterfly I named it sun-fly I called my butter fly thus because butterfly's enjoy the sun and they fly a lot. 

After I got my things I arranged it all together, I got the ones that were about the same size and put them on each side and got the biggest one and put in in the middle, lastly I put one flower on each wing. 

I really had fun at putting the leafs, sticks, and flowers together to make my own butterfly. 


  1. Hey O’Ninesha,

    I’m Daniel from the SLJ Blog commenting team. I’m looking forward to seeing all your amazing blog posts and I hope you’re enjoying your summer.

    I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the task and I like your butterfly creation, the colours are great and sun-fly is an awesome name. I think sun-fly might actually be a better name than ‘butter’ - fly. I might have to research why they are called that.

    Great work O’Ninesha,
    See you later in the comments.


    1. Hey Daniel,

      Thank you for commenting on my blog. I also think that sun-fly is a better name than butter-fly. I'm also glad that you like my insect art. What did you enjoy the most about my blog?

  2. Hey O’Ninesha,

    Your very welcome. Like I mentioned I enjoyed your creative and unique design, the colours and the thing I probably enjoyed the most was the name, as it is very clever and suits your creation well.



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