Friday 23 August 2019

5-7-10 Battle of the Stormtroopers.

There are ships in the sky and one of them crashed. And one is shooting
something at the other ship. The building in the picture is destroyed and the
person in the crashed ship is really injured! People will not end the fight to help
him. It looks like someone did something bad and everyone started a fight and
that they want revenge on that person. The man in the crashed ships needs to
go to the hospital.

If a person didn't do anything bad then the fight would've never happened.
If people didn’t want to take revenge the fight would never happen.
If people helped the man in the crashed ship then the fight would have stopped.
If people didn’t get mad then the fight would never ever have happened. 

In class we did writing we could chose if we wanted to do up in the clouds or
Battle of the Stormtroopers.

1 comment:

  1. Hi and about the star wars battle it was really cool and i like how you were doing lots of details and i really like alot


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