Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Poetry Slam

 I did a Summer learning joureny activity a poetry slam

In the beginning I did a chart full of a noun, a verb, a adjective, and a adverb with the synonyms

Next I put in the synonym word and put in a image that shows what the word means.

Lastly I went onto the next slide where I put in a bunch of pictures that remind me of summer / What I enjoy doing in summer, and in  the middle a  picture of me

I enjoyed this task beacuse it reminded me about my favorite thing to do in the summer.

Monday, 6 December 2021

Line art

I created line art

First I ruled my horizontal and vertical axies onto a grid and numberd it to 20 then I conected the lines from inersection to intersection to make a big star in the middle.

Next I drew a few flowers around the page and along with some eyes, finally I added some tiny stars all around the page.

I enjoyed this beacuse I got to learn how to make line art using maths.

Monday, 29 November 2021

How to Plant Basil

Planting basil takes time for it to turn out great. Be aware of legonella Longbeachce a bacteria that can cause you to become sick!

  • Potting mix
  • Trowel
  • Water
  • Gloves
  • Seeds
  • Planter Box
  • Mask

1. Put planting mix into a planting box.

2. Using your index finger poke a hole into the soil. 

3. Get your seeds and put them into the hole and cover it up.

4. Put some water on top on the soil for the seeds to get wet. 

5. Put it in a sunny place for it to grow. 

Tuesday, 17 August 2021


I wrote down persuasive texts.

First I chose what I was going to argue about why we should have less school time. Then I went on to multiple websites to find some reasons about my topic

Afterwards I wrote down my ideas and put in an explanation for each of my topics on why we should have less school time.  

To finish up I linked all of the websites I used to find information from to each one of my topics.  

I learned a lot about why we should have less school time  

Too Much Technology

I completed 2 reading activities

First I made a copy of a synthesis draw. Then I wrote in my prior knowledge, afterwards I started to read the book and filled in the new information, and new understandings. After I went on to my next activity.

Second I did a Qar Where I looked at the questions and put them in either right there, think and search, author and me, or on my own. Then I finished putting which boxes the questions needed to go in.

Finally I wrote my explanations for each of the questions.  

I enjoyed doing these activities because I got to learn more about technology. 

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Persuasive Writing

I Learned persuasive writing.

First I watched 2 videos on what persuasive writing is. It talks about what persuasive writing is and how to use it. Then I finished watching the videos.

Afterwards I got a document and brainstormed some ideas about school, self, and world using traffic light colors. The traffic light colors are green, red, and yellow. Green means go forward, red means to stop, and yellow means slow down.

To finish up we got into partners then we went through each other's ideas. 

I learned a lot about what persuasive writing is and how to use it. 

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Addition and Subtraction

Addition and Subtraction can be solved by using two strategies: counting on/back, rounding and compensating.

Counting on is adding foward using fingers when the number is added is under ten. Counting back is subtracting using fingers, when the number subtracted is under ten.

Rounding and compensating is rounding the added or subtracted number to the nearest tidy number, then compensating for the rounding. Compensating is done by splitting the new number into the old number and the leftover.

Counting on/back and rounding and compensating are easy strategies for addition and subtraction, when numbers get to big to be solved with basic facts.

Friday, 2 July 2021

Prototype Party Poppers

My company, Propers, learnt how to build a party popper

In the beginning, we wrote what designs we wanted on the part popper. For example we decided that we would use a jack and the beanstalk design. We decided that it was a good idea because there was a lot of filling the represented jack and the beanstalk.

Afterwards we built the party popper. We used a nut, plastic cup, yellow filling, and a small rubber band.  

In the end we tested out party poppers.   

The experience was amazing because I got to learn how to make a party popper.   

LI: to make a party popper for testing

Thursday, 24 June 2021


 This week we continued to write maori senetences. 

First I looked up the words that needed to be translated into the sentences using the Maori dictionary website. 

Then I put the translated meanings into the senteces, the sentences were Kei hea te ....? which means where is the object, the other sentence was saying where the object is for example kei runga ..... which means the object is on something.

This activity was enjoyable because I found out a lot of new words in Maori like aporo for apple.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

HPE | Balancing

Group B played frisbee using balancing. 

The first activity was just passing it to our partners while standing in the proper position. 

The next activity our partner thre the frisbee and I ran and while jumping I faced a diffrent direction and caught the frisbee. 

Then we played a game where we get split in two diffrent groups and while the frisbee was in the air we ran and when jumping I faced a difrrent direction caght thr frisbee and twer it inti the goal. 

The last activity we split into groups and we played a game where we pass the frisbee to out teamates and then try to score. 

I enjoyed HPE because I got to learn diffrent techniques when playing frisbee. 

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Table Mat

This week I read a book called aginst the odds using skimmimg and scaning. 

Skimmimg is like being airplane going through and looking for keywords. Scanning is being like a helicopter stopping in the text and looking for information. 

First I wrote in my prior knowledge then read the book, I found 6 keywords and defined 2 of them then I swaped devices with someone in my group and proffread, lastly I wrote down some questions the autor would have though about and qeuations about what i though about. 

I enjoyed this task becuse I found lots of information inside of the book. 

Wednesday, 16 June 2021


In partnership with our community our values are condensed down wirh CARE 


We have the confidence to take risks with our learning and to share our learning with others, we are focussed on our futures. 


We show a positive attitude to our learning by making good choices and how we participate in all opportunities.


We are tolerant and respectful of all the people in our community and take care of our enviornment. 

Excellence and inavation

We set ourselves challenging goals, Share ideas, and think about our learning

These values are imprtant to follow beacuse it can help people become better role models and help us with our behaviors and school rules.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021


This week we learnt some new prepositions

The words were, Maui, Matua, Runga, and Raro, Maui means left, Matua means right, runga means above, and Raro means below. 

We also learnt how to say a new sentence, Kei runga ki te kutikuti", this means the sicssors are above. 

I enjoyed this activity bt I need to practice on my sentences. 


 Blancing is trying to stay in a position without falling before you feel the tipping point. 

The first activity I did was tenis were one person has the ball and he other has the racket, the person wth the ball trows the ball and the person with the racket has to try and hit the ball. This was easy because I could stay in a steady position while hitting the ball. 

The next activity was the hokey where one person rolls the ball and the person with hokey stick need sto try and stop the ball and roll the ball back. This one easy because I could easily stop the ball and roll it back to my partner. 

The third activity was the egg and spoons wehave to try and use power while balancing on one leg and trying to go up ad own with our arms as far out as we can. This was hard because I couldent keep my balancing while going up and down. 

The fourth activity was the soccer ball where we try to put the ball on out head and try to keep it balancing without it falling. This activity was the hardest because it was difficult trying to keep th ball on my head without it falling. 

The finall activity was vollyball were we try to pass the ball to our partners while blancing with one foot up.This was easy because I could serve the bal and pass it back to my partner. 

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Reciprical Reading

 This week we did Reciprical Reading about WW1.

While doing reciprical reading each person had a role they were the leader, predicter, clarifier, questioner, and summeriser. 

The most helpful one I think was the clarifier, the clarifier would find out each meaning of the difficult words so that we understood what the passage was telling us. 

This was enjoyable becasue I learned a lot of new things and the meaning. of new words.

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Simple machines

Did you know that there are 3 simple machines that help move heavy objects, which are pulley, screw, and wheel and axle. 

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Up and Down

Today I learnt how to say up and down, and listed 10 items that are in the kitchen 

First Whea Odie tought us how to say Kei hea te....wicth means where is the object.

The next thing e learnt was over and under, they are runga and raro.
Lastly I did an activity where I find images on kitchen items and translate them in Maori. 

This activity was hard becuse it was diffucult for me to say the sentences 


We did 5 diffrent activities that envoled balance, For every activity we stood on one leg. 

For the first activity we used the frisbee, this was challenging becuse when my partner threw the frisbee at me I kep on dropping it. 

The second activity I did was the basketball, This was easy becuse I could stay in a steady position and not fall. 

The third Activity I did was the netball, this was easy becuse we were just passing it to each. 

The fourth activity envoled a rugby ball, this was hard becuse we couldent stay still. 

This finally activity envoled a hokeystick and a ball, this was difficult becuse we couldent stop the ball with the hokeystick. 

Tuesday, 25 May 2021


 Calenders show us the Day, Week or Month. 

There are 12 months in the year, they are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, November, and December. 

Months have 28, 30, or 31 days. 

There are number patterns on a calender by looking for four connectinh days for example 20, 60, and 100. 

Knowing before and after number sequence and 7 timestables heps u read a Calender

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Cause and Effect

This week I wrote cause and effect sentences.

I started off by putting back an explanation back together, stage one was about eggs, the second stage was about the caterpillars, the third stage was about chrysalis, and the fourth stage was about the butterflies.

Then I made sentences that used cause and effect in them as well as using causal language in the sentences. 

This task helped me learn more about causes and effects and how to use causal language.  

Tipping point

A tipping point is when you can hold a position and about to fall. 

We played a game alled block twister where our legs and arms go onto different parts of colour tiles while trying to keep our balancing until we got to our tipping point. 

After a while we got into a circle and talked more about our tipping pimts and how we could try and stop it. 

This game was hard becuse it was hard to move our body while we were in a really hard position to move a bodd, but i enjoyed playing this game. 


I learnt how to say a sentence to pass an object to someone on my left, and did some revision. 

We started off with the rivising on the lesson we did last week, tenei tena and tera, witch means here. there, and over there.

The new sentence I learnt was "Hoatu te turu ki te taha maui witch means", pass the chair the person on the left. 

This was kinda hard because it took me a while to learn how to say the sentence and how to pronunce them properly.  

Thursday, 13 May 2021


Texts have all kinds information that tells about a spasific kind of meaning. 

Keywords unlocks new information from words no knowing what they mean and helps by understanding it more.

An example for this is conscription, conscription is being forced to do somthing without having to choose. 

Keywords are unlocking more information from a word

L:I To use Keywords to retell the text
L.I To expand vocabulary using keywords


Digital and Analog time help us know what time of the day it is. 

Digital time displays numbers for minutes and hours and use Am or Pm to tell us what time of the day it is. 

Elapsed time is how much time has gone by. skip counting in 5s helps calculate how much time has elapsed. 

Using an analog clock makes it easier to calculate the elapsed time. 


Manners are about using words that are respectful. 

When using manners make sure to say to say thank you, please, welcome, may I etc, When asking for something or needing something. 

Manners is also holding a door for something and making eye contact and saying their name aswell and greeting someone. 

This first video shows about how to greet someone, by making eye contact and saying their name. 

The second video shows about how to ask for something that they want by saying please. 

This third video shows how to act when someone opens a door for someone. 

Using manners is about being respectful and always having eye contact and saying the persons name. 

Probem sloving

Today in groups we did problem solving about time. 

First we found out the answers to the problems.

Then we discused about how we figured out the answers.

Finally as a class we talked a about what the right answers were and what wern't. 

This was hard becuse it took us a while to figure out the answers.

6 Simple Machines

This week we found 6 simple machines around our school. 

These are the 6 simple machines. 

The screw helps attach objects together. 

The wheel and axel helps objects move around easier.

The wedge helps by pushing objects apart from each other.

The pulley helps by moving objects from and low level to a higher level. 

The lever helps helps by lifing heavy objects. 

The inclined plane helps getting object from a low level to a higher level.

Wednesday, 12 May 2021


We did a balancing activity around our enviourment.

We took a range of photos about balancing, the first photo was balancing on a bench with our group.  

The second photo shows one person from the group balancing on equitment. 

The third photo shows two people balancing on equitment and helping each other not to fall. 

The fourth photo shows having one person balacing on there a person. 

The fifth photo shows the group balancing on each other with the least amount of contact. 

This activity was really enjoyable and hard becuse balancing on my group was difficult. 


This week I learnt diffrent kinds of prepoistions. 

The prepoisitions I learnd were tenei wicth means here, tena means there, and tera means over there. 

I enjoyed learning these prepoitions because I got to learn them in Maori and learn about what they mean.

Thursday, 6 May 2021


Group B learnt about our balencing and our body.

We started off by talking about what balancing is and what it requires, Balencing is when you stand in a position trying not to fall. 

First we did a activity on balancing in different kinds of positions to see what kind of balancing method would work when someone pushes you over. 

After that we did the bench activity where two people on on opposite sides on the bench are trying not to fall and some how get to the end passing each other using teamwork.

Lastly we did the football balance activity were someone gets on top of the ball and your partners hold on to you until you feel steady, When you feel steady ask your partners to let go. 

Balancing is not that easy but if I keep practicing I will get better. 

Analog Time

 Analog clocks are a peice of technology that help tell time. 

A clock has three mechanisms. The second hand moves around the clock the fastet. 

The minute hand is the longest and moves when the second hand is completed 1 rotaion. 

A full rotaion of the minute hand is 1 hour. The hour hand moves the slowest and moves between the big numbers. 

An Analog clock requirs you to look outside to know if it is morning or afternoon.

Simple Machines

There ar six simple machines that people made to helps them to left heavy objects.

The screw helps attach objects together by rotating into the object and staying tightly together. 

The wheel and axel helps objects move around easier by pushing it to make it roll. 

The wedge helps by pushing tings apart from each other in difrent directions. 

The pulley helps by moving objects from and low level to a higher level. The lever helps helps by lifing heavy objects, it can also be used to meausre weight. The incined plane also helps getting object from a low level to a higher level but easier. 

LI: to identify the six simple machines.

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Classroom Questions

This week I learnt some classroom questions.

The first question I learnt with Whea Odiewas kua marama wicth means, do you understand? The next question she taught us was kua mutu, wicth means are you finished. 

These questions are pretty easy to learn but I will keep practicing until I can say the fluently. 

LI: Classroom questions

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

SSR Selfie

I read 16 pags of Elbert Einstien by Isabel Munoz, Jane Kent

Elbert Einstin is the worlds famous mathematician, physicist, and scientist that talks how he became all thoses things

This book was really intresting to read because I got to learn how Elbert Einstin became a mathematician, physicist, and scientist.

LI: to summerise and retell a text.

Basic Facts Boxes

I did a speed demon challenge up to 20 on subtraction.

I got 100/100 my time was 6 minutes and 11 seconds.

I think I did really well but next time I will try harder to get a faster time.

LI: to recall basic facts fluently and quickly. 


Teamwork is a term to describe a group of people working together to achieve a goal. 

Teamwrok consists of three main mechanisms. Communication is talking to each other sharing and figuring out ideas, an example for communication in dodgeball is when the teams shares ideas to eliminate the other teams. 

Cooperation is helping each other out, an example for cooperation in dodgeball is when the teams help their teammates that are out of the square by giving them a ball. 

Collaboration is working with a group to achieve a goal, an example for collaberation in dodgeball is when people work together by encouraging their teammates. 

( This video shows the mechanism of communication )

( This video shows the mechanism of cooperation )

( This video shows the mechanism of collaboration )

To be successful as a team all three mechanisms need to implemented throughout the activity. 

Making Connections

There are three connections are helpful when reading because they help understand more about the topic. 

Text to self means making a connection that happendn inside of the book and something simaler that happend in real life, an example for text to self: The duck tricked the rat into going inside of the cave, my connection is when i tricked my brother into thing that my mum was callig him. 

Text to text is something that happend inside of the book that also happend inside of another book. 
an example of text to text: The duck told the rat that she had a sister, my connection was in the story the gruffalo the mouse tricked others by saying there was a gruffalo. 

Text to world is something that happend in the story that could also happen in the real world, and example of text to world : The duck gave back food to the villagers, my connection is when people give back belongings to the people that own it. 

Theses three connections help understand the text.

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Marc Duffy

Marc duffy is a rolemodel, school was hard for him but he still managed to achive big things in life. 

He went to prison because he was envoled in bad things but a teacher that help him to read, when he got out of prison he got a school certificate and a deploma in buisness. 

Marc learnt the trade of a builder and owned his own businness. He also became a NewZelands boxing lightweight champ. He then worked for Bunnings fitting out their stores. Now he manages for the largest store in NZ wicth is in hamilton. Then he decided that he would go back to university to become a counsellor.

Marc duffy is a succesful person and a big role model and he works hard to acheive his goals.  


Monday, 12 April 2021


Multiplacation is a fast way of adding the same number may times. The three, four, and six times tables are examples of multiplacation. 

The three times tables are multiplaying three by a number of groups. The four times tables are multiplying four by a number of groups. The six times tables are multiplying six by a number of groups. 

The times tables are an easy way to remember basic multiplacation eqautions. The next times tables to learn are seven, eight, and nine. 

Friday, 9 April 2021

Basic Facts Boxes

I completed a speed demon challenge up to 5 on subtraction.

I got 100/100 and my time was 3 minutes and 58 seconds.

I did really well and next time I will go onto a higher level and get a faster time.

fsLI: to recall basic facts fluently and quickly.


Teamwork is a term to describe a group of people working together to achieve a goal. 

Teamwrok consists of three main mechanisms. Communication is talking to each other sharing and figuring out ideas, an example for communication in dodgeball is when the teams shares ideas to eliminate the other teams. 

Cooperation is helping each other out, an example for cooperation in dodgeball is when the teams help their teammates that are out of the square by giving them a ball. 

Collaboration is working with a group to achieve a goal, an example for collaberation in dodgeball is when people work together by encouraging their teammates. 

To be successful as a team all three mechanisms need to implemented throughout the activity. 

Thursday, 8 April 2021

Public vs Private

Information should be kept safe or should be posted on the internet. 

Pubic information is something that can be posted on the internet and can be shared with other people, for exmple: cat videos, pictures of harmless things etc. 

Private information should be kept private and should not be on the internet or somthing bad could happen, for example: address, phone number, card details etc. 

Public information should be safe and harmless. Private information should not be shared to anyone and be kept safe.

LI: to differentiate between public and private information.

Character Trait | The Duck

A character trait is somthing we can do where there is information that needs to be filled in about a spasific character in a book using adjectives and facts. There are 3 main characters in the book The Highway Rat we can infer about.

The duck has a clever idea to get rid of the rat because the rat was being disrespectful to everyoe and stealing their food. 

She tells the rat that she has a sister that made sweets inside of a cave. She then leads the rat into the cave and the rat got stuck. 

When the duck got back to the village she gave the villagers back their food. 

Using these facts and adjectives it can be inferred that the Duck is a nice, caring, clever person that helps people that are in need.  

LI: to infer information about characters in a story.

Wednesday, 7 April 2021


Multiplacation is a fast way of adding the same number may times. The two, five, and ten times tables are examples of multiplacation. 

The two times tables are multiplaying two by a number of groups. The five times tables are multiplying five by a number of groups. The ten times tables are multiplying ten by a number of groups. 

The times tables are an easy way to remember basic multiplacation eqautions. The next times tables to learn are three, four, and six. 

Thursday, 1 April 2021

Compare and Contrast

There are some differences and similarities in Kapa Haka and the Tinikling. 

First I wrote in what similarities of Tinikling and the Kapa Haka dance in the green box. They have some similarities like they both are national dance. 

Then I wrote in the differences that each dance has on the yellow circle like Kapa Haka uses hand work and Tinikling uses foot work.

I liked this task because I got to learnt about the differences about Kapa Haka and Tinkling and the similarities some cultures have.

Fact or Opinion

I completed a fact or opinion task. 

First I wrote write in some facts about the duck in the story the highway rat. 

Then I wrote in my opinions on the duck. Then I wrote in some adjectives to describe what I though of the duck. Then I did the rest of the boxes. 

A fact is something you can prove that has happend, like the duck told the rat that she had a sister. An opinion is something that you think of, like the duck din't want to get eaten.

I liked this task because I learnt a lot of new adjectives and what there meanings were. 

LI: to infer

Basic Facts Boxes | Up to 20

I completed a speed demon challenge up to 20.

I did up to 20 because i wanted to challenge myself and go onto a higher level.

I got 2 wrong but they were typing errors. I got 100/100 and my time was 11 minutes and 9 seconds.

Next time i will try a harder level and get a higher time.

LI: to recall basic facts fluently and quickly


I completed 3 slides on multiplication with my group.  

First we got a cup of counters of unknown amount. 

Then we split the counters into small groups and counted how many groups we had.

Then we figured out what the multiplication equaled. 

I learnt that multiplication is a fast way of adding the same number many times. 

Friday, 26 March 2021

Americas Cup

My group and I found information on Americas cup. 

The first thing I did was the main ideas the main ideas is were you watch videos about Americas cup and find some ideas for who what when and why. 

After doing the main events I did the summerising. The summerising is were I write 20 important words from the main ideas and then write in 6 important words and then use them to create sentences in the summery box. 

Last I did the evaluation slide were we copy and paste the summery into the first box of the evaluation slide then in the second box we write down what interesting facts we learnt from reading the text. Finally I did the third box were we write down what questions we have after reading the text.  

Theses strategies are useful because summerising can help you improve with memorizing things, the main ideas can help with who, what, when and why. 


I completed a Prototec sheet.

I did stage 6 and I got most of the questions right expect for the 1000’s box.

Next time I will try and get better at my 1000’ and get all the questions right and go onto a higher level like stage 7. 

LI: to become proficient in basic facts