Thursday, 29 July 2021

Addition and Subtraction

Addition and Subtraction can be solved by using two strategies: counting on/back, rounding and compensating.

Counting on is adding foward using fingers when the number is added is under ten. Counting back is subtracting using fingers, when the number subtracted is under ten.

Rounding and compensating is rounding the added or subtracted number to the nearest tidy number, then compensating for the rounding. Compensating is done by splitting the new number into the old number and the leftover.

Counting on/back and rounding and compensating are easy strategies for addition and subtraction, when numbers get to big to be solved with basic facts.

Friday, 2 July 2021

Prototype Party Poppers

My company, Propers, learnt how to build a party popper

In the beginning, we wrote what designs we wanted on the part popper. For example we decided that we would use a jack and the beanstalk design. We decided that it was a good idea because there was a lot of filling the represented jack and the beanstalk.

Afterwards we built the party popper. We used a nut, plastic cup, yellow filling, and a small rubber band.  

In the end we tested out party poppers.   

The experience was amazing because I got to learn how to make a party popper.   

LI: to make a party popper for testing