Thursday, 24 June 2021


 This week we continued to write maori senetences. 

First I looked up the words that needed to be translated into the sentences using the Maori dictionary website. 

Then I put the translated meanings into the senteces, the sentences were Kei hea te ....? which means where is the object, the other sentence was saying where the object is for example kei runga ..... which means the object is on something.

This activity was enjoyable because I found out a lot of new words in Maori like aporo for apple.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

HPE | Balancing

Group B played frisbee using balancing. 

The first activity was just passing it to our partners while standing in the proper position. 

The next activity our partner thre the frisbee and I ran and while jumping I faced a diffrent direction and caught the frisbee. 

Then we played a game where we get split in two diffrent groups and while the frisbee was in the air we ran and when jumping I faced a difrrent direction caght thr frisbee and twer it inti the goal. 

The last activity we split into groups and we played a game where we pass the frisbee to out teamates and then try to score. 

I enjoyed HPE because I got to learn diffrent techniques when playing frisbee. 

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Table Mat

This week I read a book called aginst the odds using skimmimg and scaning. 

Skimmimg is like being airplane going through and looking for keywords. Scanning is being like a helicopter stopping in the text and looking for information. 

First I wrote in my prior knowledge then read the book, I found 6 keywords and defined 2 of them then I swaped devices with someone in my group and proffread, lastly I wrote down some questions the autor would have though about and qeuations about what i though about. 

I enjoyed this task becuse I found lots of information inside of the book. 

Wednesday, 16 June 2021


In partnership with our community our values are condensed down wirh CARE 


We have the confidence to take risks with our learning and to share our learning with others, we are focussed on our futures. 


We show a positive attitude to our learning by making good choices and how we participate in all opportunities.


We are tolerant and respectful of all the people in our community and take care of our enviornment. 

Excellence and inavation

We set ourselves challenging goals, Share ideas, and think about our learning

These values are imprtant to follow beacuse it can help people become better role models and help us with our behaviors and school rules.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021


This week we learnt some new prepositions

The words were, Maui, Matua, Runga, and Raro, Maui means left, Matua means right, runga means above, and Raro means below. 

We also learnt how to say a new sentence, Kei runga ki te kutikuti", this means the sicssors are above. 

I enjoyed this activity bt I need to practice on my sentences. 


 Blancing is trying to stay in a position without falling before you feel the tipping point. 

The first activity I did was tenis were one person has the ball and he other has the racket, the person wth the ball trows the ball and the person with the racket has to try and hit the ball. This was easy because I could stay in a steady position while hitting the ball. 

The next activity was the hokey where one person rolls the ball and the person with hokey stick need sto try and stop the ball and roll the ball back. This one easy because I could easily stop the ball and roll it back to my partner. 

The third activity was the egg and spoons wehave to try and use power while balancing on one leg and trying to go up ad own with our arms as far out as we can. This was hard because I couldent keep my balancing while going up and down. 

The fourth activity was the soccer ball where we try to put the ball on out head and try to keep it balancing without it falling. This activity was the hardest because it was difficult trying to keep th ball on my head without it falling. 

The finall activity was vollyball were we try to pass the ball to our partners while blancing with one foot up.This was easy because I could serve the bal and pass it back to my partner. 

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Reciprical Reading

 This week we did Reciprical Reading about WW1.

While doing reciprical reading each person had a role they were the leader, predicter, clarifier, questioner, and summeriser. 

The most helpful one I think was the clarifier, the clarifier would find out each meaning of the difficult words so that we understood what the passage was telling us. 

This was enjoyable becasue I learned a lot of new things and the meaning. of new words.